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    Stock Quote

    Currency: THB
    Updated: 04 Oct 2024 15:50

    SET Symbol :

    Change :-
    %Change : -
    Prior : 1.97
    High : 2.02
    Volumn (Shares) : 1,032,622
    Open : 1.98
    Low : 1.96
    Value ('000 Bath) : 2,043,330
    Chart Type
  • Filter Dates:
    Historical price from Jul 09, 2024 to Oct 03, 2024
    Date Open High Low Close Volume Value (Baht)
    Previous 2 weeks
    (06/09/2024 to 19/09/2024)
    2.12 2.18 2.00 2.08 8,698,286 17,963,976
    Previous 4 weeks
    (08/08/2024 to 05/09/2024)
    2.38 2.42 2.08 2.12 9,984,522 21,637,086
    Daily Historical Data
    03/10/2024 2.04 2.06 1.97 1.97 4,170,007 8,311,275
    02/10/2024 2.08 2.10 2.02 2.02 1,599,104 3,279,908
    01/10/2024 2.06 2.16 2.04 2.08 2,171,706 4,509,048
    30/09/2024 2.10 2.12 2.04 2.04 3,506,647 7,254,066
    27/09/2024 2.12 2.22 2.10 2.10 5,403,308 11,559,148
    26/09/2024 2.12 2.14 2.08 2.12 754,000 1,590,472
    25/09/2024 2.12 2.16 2.10 2.12 1,648,000 3,503,482
    24/09/2024 2.10 2.12 2.08 2.12 539,200 1,134,618
    23/09/2024 2.10 2.10 2.08 2.10 771,501 1,608,332
    20/09/2024 2.08 2.10 2.06 2.08 865,224 1,797,104
    19/09/2024 2.08 2.08 2.06 2.08 441,442 915,044
    18/09/2024 2.08 2.10 2.06 2.08 544,217 1,130,422
    17/09/2024 2.08 2.10 2.06 2.08 466,100 967,312
    16/09/2024 2.08 2.08 2.06 2.08 304,305 630,514
    13/09/2024 2.06 2.08 2.04 2.08 367,506 755,770
    12/09/2024 2.06 2.08 2.04 2.06 362,963 745,978
    11/09/2024 2.12 2.12 2.00 2.06 3,042,427 6,178,556
    10/09/2024 2.14 2.16 2.00 2.12 1,871,404 3,876,722
    09/09/2024 2.14 2.16 2.12 2.12 608,021 1,294,348
    06/09/2024 2.12 2.18 2.12 2.12 689,901 1,469,310
    05/09/2024 2.12 2.14 2.08 2.12 846,400 1,786,652
    04/09/2024 2.12 2.12 2.10 2.12 749,523 1,576,626
    03/09/2024 2.14 2.14 2.10 2.12 888,812 1,881,290
    02/09/2024 2.14 2.14 2.12 2.14 128,800 275,328
    30/08/2024 2.14 2.14 2.12 2.14 223,401 477,246
    29/08/2024 2.16 2.16 2.12 2.14 683,958 1,456,796
    28/08/2024 2.16 2.16 2.14 2.16 268,410 579,672
    27/08/2024 2.16 2.18 2.14 2.16 475,243 1,026,422
    26/08/2024 2.16 2.16 2.14 2.16 327,202 706,346
    23/08/2024 2.16 2.16 2.10 2.16 521,408 1,112,954
    22/08/2024 2.16 2.16 2.12 2.16 303,802 651,934
    21/08/2024 2.16 2.16 2.12 2.16 224,603 481,410
    20/08/2024 2.16 2.16 2.10 2.16 610,913 1,298,170
    19/08/2024 2.20 2.20 2.14 2.18 703,205 1,520,680
    16/08/2024 2.16 2.22 2.16 2.20 209,922 455,790
    15/08/2024 2.22 2.22 2.12 2.16 435,415 937,012
    14/08/2024 2.36 2.36 2.08 2.16 1,562,500 3,462,890
    13/08/2024 2.38 2.38 2.34 2.38 301,405 710,828
    09/08/2024 2.40 2.40 2.38 2.38 176,800 422,790
    08/08/2024 2.38 2.42 2.36 2.40 342,800 816,250
    07/08/2024 2.34 2.40 2.32 2.38 209,810 492,276
    06/08/2024 2.30 2.40 2.28 2.34 300,600 694,052
    05/08/2024 2.38 2.38 2.26 2.30 1,214,505 2,805,518
    02/08/2024 2.40 2.40 2.36 2.38 218,500 520,254
    01/08/2024 2.38 2.40 2.34 2.40 287,400 680,596
    31/07/2024 2.38 2.38 2.34 2.38 222,306 526,026
    30/07/2024 2.38 2.50 2.36 2.38 316,303 757,122
    26/07/2024 2.36 2.38 2.34 2.38 530,205 1,244,324
    25/07/2024 2.38 2.38 2.30 2.38 784,115 1,835,102
    24/07/2024 2.40 2.42 2.38 2.38 469,300 1,119,654
    23/07/2024 2.48 2.48 2.38 2.40 887,502 2,145,630
    19/07/2024 2.48 2.48 2.46 2.48 118,100 292,648
    18/07/2024 2.46 2.48 2.44 2.48 133,700 328,744
    17/07/2024 2.46 2.48 2.44 2.46 262,918 644,602
    16/07/2024 2.50 2.50 2.44 2.46 446,020 1,098,484
    15/07/2024 2.50 2.50 2.46 2.50 279,704 692,596
    12/07/2024 2.48 2.54 2.48 2.50 532,115 1,320,928
    11/07/2024 2.50 2.50 2.46 2.48 177,410 438,966
    10/07/2024 2.48 2.50 2.48 2.48 187,200 464,278
    09/07/2024 2.50 2.50 2.48 2.48 92,400 230,210
    Remark : Volume from SET main board.
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    Stock Quote

    Currency: THB
    Updated: 04 Oct 2024 15:50

    SET Symbol :

    Change :-
    %Change : -
    Prior : 1.97
    High : 2.02
    Volumn (Shares) : 1,032,622
    Open : 1.98
    Low : 1.96
    Value ('000 Bath) : 2,043,330
    To estimate your profit and loss, please fill up the following 3 columns, "Price Purchase", "Share Held" and "Price Sold".
    No. of shares Shares
    Buy Price Baht
    Sell Price Baht
    Commission %
    Minimum Commission Baht
    VAT %


    Initial Investment Baht
    Commission + VAT 7% Baht
    Commission Baht
    VAT 7% Baht
    Net Investment Baht


    Gross Return Baht
    Commission + VAT 7% Baht
    Commission Baht
    VAT 7% Baht
    Net Return Baht

    Profit & Loss

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    Net Profit (Loss) Baht
    Return your investment %